Pursuant to the Regulation on Living-donor Organ and Tissue Transplant Services issued by Ministry of Health, living donor organ transplants can use organs donated by spouse, who is actually married for two years, and up to fourth degree blood and in-law relatives. If blood type of the patient who needs organ transplant and the donor is compatible and a match status is detected in the light of immunologic tests, detailed examinations and investigations, the transplant surgery is performed in line with the decision made by organ transplant committee.
Regarding fourth degree relation, Article 17 of Turkish Civil Code states as follows: degree of blood relation is determined through number of deliveries, which relates kin to each other. Accordingly, considering blood kinship, degree of relation will be as follows;
For in-law relation, relatives of the spouse are identically determined. Since a wide range of blood kinship is defined, the patient and relatives have the opportunity to consider various options.
Moreover, those with blood relation or who wish to donate organs despite they are not related (for example: very close friends) are required to apply to ethics committees founded under supervision of Ministry of Health. If Ethics Committee approves, non-related volunteers can donate organ.
Patients with Living Donors;
Can bring aforementioned documents and schedule an appointment in our center.
Spouse’s consent is obtained from married donors indicating they are informed on the kidney transplant to be performed.